Professional Organizer & Certified KonMari® Consultant
My name is Anne and I’m a professional organizer in Toronto. I'm passionate about helping and supporting people like you tidy their homes and simplify their lives. Empowering my clients to create a better life for themselves, fulfill their dreams, or begin a new chapter is what I love most about my job!
I was born and raised in Toronto, the middle of five children. We grew up in a small bungalow (only one washroom!), so I learned early how to make small spaces work. It wasn’t necessarily easy, but it did teach me the importance of being tidy. And, was I tidy! Barbie’s clothes were organized, my school library were in perfect order (thanks to a special small library helper) and even my kitchen play centre was ready for anything my imagination was ready to whip up.
I met and married my best friend and we have two beautiful children, so the importance of family continues, albeit in a bungalow with some breathing room. Today I continue my passion by helping others declutter and organize their homes. I also have a solid knack for space planning and furniture placement.
My motto had always been "Why keep it if you're not going to use it!?!" In 2016, I was introduced to the New York Times bestselling book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up written by Marie Kondo. Her tidying philosophy inspired me and I understood the joy of keeping items out of sheer joy vs. just usefulness. Finding someone just as passionate about decluttering and organizing, I realized I wanted to share with others what I firmly believe in; everyone can live a more fulfilling life with less stuff.
Today, I'm proud to say I'm a Platinum-level Certified KonMari® Organizing Consultant, a member of Professional Organizers of Canada, and part of the Tidy The World Mission. My life is full of joy and blessings!
ADDless Organizing Interiors is here to help you overcome obstacles in your personal tidying journey.
Hand-in-hand, we will transform your space and simplify your life.
“Everyone can live a more fulfilling life with less stuff.”
KonMari® Method
The KonMari® Method of organizing is a world phenomenon created by Marie Kondo. She is a Japanese author of the books The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy, which have sold over 10 million copies. She's been featured in hundreds of magazine articles, has appeared on television, and has a show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix.
Kondo's method is all about surrounding yourself with items that "spark joy" in your life. It’s not enough to pare down items you regularly use and to get rid of things. It's about keeping only what you LOVE and what gives you JOY. Why wait for a reason or catalyst? Now is the time for you to make a change. Tidying up your home the Marie Kondo way will change the way you live!
Once you begin to tidy up, you will realize you have held on to items that no longer serve a purpose, nor do they add value or joy to your life. Don’t be afraid of the emptiness. It allows for serenity and clarity and an opportunity to think about what matters most.